Over 300 years ago Humanity was nearly destroyed by a disaster, the cause of which has been lost to time. East Europa and North Aziya have been turned into empty, barren wastelands and disease, war and environmental collapse brought Humanity down to millions. Out of the ashes rose the Humanitarian Political Party. It was dedicated to co-ordinating relief to millions of refugees in Western Europa and quickly established what Europa was sorely missing... stable government. It swiftly became the only body that gave clothing, food, shelter and security to the masses. Concerned about a lack of a voice for the struggling masses it enacted political movements to formalise itself as a state, covering all aspects of life in all the districts of West Europa. 100 years ago The Polity, as it has become known, told the proletariat about the Acton Gate. A structure using advanced and little understood mathematics to leap across Atlantica to North Amerika just by stepping through. After the first phase of the ‘Homeland Reclamation’ project was complete and East Amerika was settled by the loyal colonists of the Polity, it’s use was widened to explore the far stars. Brave and true colonists ensure Humanity’s survival by settling the worlds of the purple twilight. Today, most of the world remains an ecological wilderness. The continents are outlined but who knows what savages wait in the darkness of those lands? There are still frontiers to colonise. Central and West Amerika is a bastion of diseased, corrupt individuals and dictators. Selfish and ignorant to the ways of civilisation and bereft of humanity and charity they hide behind their barricaded villages and hamlets. Savages in the jungles of the south prey on others for their next meal and cults of a belief system called ‘religion’ holdsway over millions in the east. Beware! The Enemy also exists within. Disease has corrupted our genetic structure and is apparent in those of lesser stock.If Humanity is to survive we MUST root out those lesser races, miltants who oppose the public good and the mentally ill who seek to return to the selfish ways that brought disaster upon us those many years ago. Protect yourself and your children!These, and also the frontier worlds of deep space, are challenges that you as a citizen or even a subject must not fail to overcome lest we succumb to the darkness that nearly eradicated us during ‘the fall’. We are calling for all subjects to stand up and be counted. Earn your citizenship award by volunteering for the Public Protection Service or another Polity approved position. Join the ‘Guardians’ today! Benefits include better housing, extra rations, self-esteem,the knowledge that you’re helping to secure Humanity a safer future, and, best of all, Citizenship! 'Cthulhu Adventus' is a dark, dystopian setting for Chaosium, Inc's role-playing game 'Call of Cthulhu'. 'Call of Cthulhu' is a registered trademark of Chaosium, Inc.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Twilight Staffers

The current freelance
staffers at Twilight
Byron Alexander,
Chris Cotgrove,
Simon Brake, &
Jeremy Buxman.

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